| 'A likeable portrait' | Exquisite corpse with Bernard Dumaine (France) I did the facial blob, Bernard created the surroundings | 29,7 x 42 cm | 2011 | SOLD |


| 'Hope' | "Hope" Exquisite Corpse with Christian Edler (Germany) He made the part that goes diagonal from upper left to the right side beneath. That means that i did the right side above and the downside on the left. | 29,7 x 42 cm | 2010 |






| 'Inbetween birth and death we dream' | Exquisite Corpse with Bernard Dumaine (France). Top done by Bernard, bottom done by me | 21 x 29,7 cm | 2014 |

| 'The Transition' | Exquisite Corpse with Christian Edler (Germany) I started the diagonal middle part with the sticky forms, the ant and the warping eyes. He did everything within the edges (pupils, moon, gemstones and so on...) | 29,7 x 42 cm | 2010

| 'Chaos of Lust' | Exquisite Corpse with Deborah Valentine. She finished the right side, I started the left side | 21 x 29,7 cm | 2011 |

| 'Ripping the Ego' | Exquisite Corpse with Deborah Valentine. She made the left side, I finished the right side | 21 x 29,7 cm | 2011 |